Distribute podcast from Wokpa to Deezer

Hi fellow podcaster! We understand that you’ve poured your heart and soul into crafting an amazing podcast on Wokpa, Africa’s leading podcast hosting platform. Now, you’re ready to spread your voice and reach a wider audience. The good news? Deezer, a popular global music streaming platform with millions of active users, is calling your name! But how do you distribute podcast from Wokpa to Deezer? Buckle up, because we’re about to show you the process and get your podcast in front of potential fans worldwide.

Why Deezer? Think global expansion and audience!

Let’s face it, the more ears your podcast reaches, the better. Deezer boasts a massive user base across 180+ territories. That’s a goldmine of potential listeners just waiting to discover your unique voice and content. Distributing your Wokpa podcast to Deezer allows you to tap into a global audience who might not have stumbled upon Wokpa otherwise. It’s like opening a new door to a world of engaged listeners eager for fresh content.

The Wokpa-Deezer distribution feature: It’s easier than you think!

The good news? Wokpa makes distributing your podcast to Deezer a reality. Here’s a breakdown of how to distribute to Deezer from Wokpa:

  1. Head over to your Wokpa dashboard, click on your Podcast name

    2. and navigate to the “Distribution” section as seen in the image below.

    3. Once you click on the Distribution, it will bring out a-lot of distribution platform currently available on Wokpa. Locate Deezer, toggle down and click on Submit. This will take you to Deezer homepage.

    Scroll down and click Publish My Podcast button. You will be asked to input your RSS Feed link. Head back to Wokpa, in the same page where you click on Distribution, you will see RSS Feed button, click and copy your RSS Feed, then paste it in the field on Deezer. A code will be sent to your email.

    4. Add info: Fill out the necessary info on Deezer. Make sure your description is catchy and accurately reflects your podcast’s content. Remember, it’s your first impression on potential listeners!

    5. Submit: Once you’ve filled out the details, simply submit your request for Deezer distribution.

      Bonus tip: Spread the word!

      Once your podcast is live on Deezer, shout it from the rooftops (metaphorically speaking)! Announce your exciting expansion to your existing audience on social media and Wokpa. Let them know they can now find you on Deezer, opening up a whole new avenue for listening.

      The Final Mic Drop:

      Distributing your Wokpa podcast to Deezer is a strategic move to amplify your voice and reach a global audience. With Wokpa’s user-friendly distribution system, the process is smooth and efficient. So, what are you waiting for? Get your podcast out there and conquer the Deezerverse! Remember, the more platforms you’re on, the wider your reach and the bigger your impact can be. Now go forth and podcast like a pro!

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